The Story of The Nutcracker 2022
As performed by the DCYB – 2022
Act One
Clara is celebrating Christmas Eve at the home of her grandmother, an elegant duchess. Friends and family have all been invited, and the evening is filled with merriment, dancing, and surprises, including the charming Toy Soldiers, who march with precision.

The maid announces strangers at the door: it is a troupe of Puppeteers. These mysterious, theatrical people bring with them two life-size dolls: a princely Soldier and a fearsome Rat, whose enthralling dance soon turns disturbing when the Soldier saves Clara from being bitten by the Rat and collapses to the floor!
The Puppeteers take the dolls away, and Grandmother tells the story of a young prince who saved his beloved in just such a way and was transformed into a wooden Nutcracker. When she gifts this Nutcracker to Clara, the children squabble over it and it is broken. When Grandmother fixes the doll, Clara promises to protect him forever. Soon it is bedtime, and all go off to sleep.

Clara awakens in a terrible nightmare: Mice and Rats torment her, and Chaotic Toys come to life in a frenzy! The evil Queen Rat appears but the Nutcracker enters just in time to rescue Clara. As the Nutcracker battles the Queen Rat, Battle Soldiers and Bluecoats enter the fray against the Mice and Rats. Just when the Nutcracker is about to be overcome, Clara deals a blow that ends the battle. The soldiers, mice, and toys all fade away and she is left alone, dissolving in tears.
Magical Icicles appear and dance a beautiful adagio to comfort Clara. They introduce her to the dazzling Queen of Snow, who bring her to the Nutcracker, now a Prince freed from his enchantment. They journey through a brilliant blizzard of Snowflakes toward the Land of Sweets and Dolls.
Act Two
In a palace made of candy, Golden Toffees dance to cheer the Sugarplum Fairy. She is sad because she has been separated from her Prince and no one can find him. But soon the Nutcracker Prince appears, no longer enchanted, and brings Clara with him. They tell the Sugarplum Fairy of their adventure, and she declares a celebration in Clara’s honor. Fiery Spanish, mysterious Arabians, energetic Chinese, boisterous Russians, and sweet Candy Cane Flutes all dance for Clara’s enjoyment.
Clara is then transported to a magical garden, where the majestic Red Rose leads Butterflies, Bluebells, and Asters in a glorious waltz. The Sugarplum Fairy, along with her Prince and the Marzipan Ladies and Knights dance a romantic adagio, and then lead all in a jubilant finale.
At last is it time for Clara to wake. All bid her farewell as she wakens from the most beautiful Christmas dream!