10 Tips for Auditioning

10 Tips for Auditioning

1) Read the Audition information carefully.

Make sure that you know where the audition is being held, if you need to make an appointment or fill out a form before you arrive, and what you need to prepare and bring with you. If you aren’t familiar with where the auditions are being held, or don’t know what to bring – ASK! Remember that if you need to bring sheet music, it should be in the key you will sing the song, and that the piano player will need a copy of the music; if you don’t have the music memorized, bring an extra copy so you can both have your own.

2) Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

Pick out the pieces you will be performing for your audition EARLY! Practice your song out loud in front of the mirror. Have a friend or family member read through the scene with you. You will be less nervous if you have said or sung your audition materials out loud before you are doing it in front of the directors.

3) Dress Appropriately.

Know what you are going to wear in advance. Dress nicely, but comfortably. If you know there will be a dance audition, dress so that you can move easily.

4) Be on time and be kind to everyone.

Remember, your audition starts the minute you walk into the room. Sometimes a director will address the people auditioning before the auditions start, you don’t want to miss out on important information because you were late. Also, some directors will ask the audition monitor (the person who checks you in when you arrive) for their experiences with actors. Being rude to the monitor or other people auditioning has a way of making it back to the directing team.

5) Turn off your phone.

The sound of a Social Media notification, a text message, or a phone call will distract both you and the directors from your audition.

6) Talk to your accompanist.

The person playing the piano for your audition really wants you to do well. When you give them your sheet music, have a brief conversation with them about what part of the song you are singing, about how fast you will go, and any other things you have marked on your music. Be sure to answer their questions if they have any.

7) Introduce yourself.

Make sure you introduce yourself before you start. It is also helpful to tell everyone what song you are singing or scene you are performing. And it helps to do this with a smile!

8) Mistakes Happen!

If you make a mistake, don’t apologize. Not everyone will know that you have made a mistake, but as soon as you apologize you point out to them that you did something wrong.

9) Be willing to try things.

The director may ask you to try something, or the choreographer may show you a new dance move. Try it. Even if you aren’t perfect, showing that you are willing to try something is more important to some directors than you doing it flawlessly.

10) It’s OK to be nervous.

No matter if this is your first audition, or your 50th – everyone gets at least a little nervous at auditions. Do your best to smile and enjoy yourself.

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