Volunteer Front of House

Are you interested in volunteering at the Grand Opera House? Why not sign up to Usher or work in Concessions during the show!

What Do Ushers Do? 

  • Ushers are asked to arrive 1 HOUR BEFORE THE SHOW, and dress is Black and White (most people wear black pants or skirts and white top)
  • The Grand Opera House will provide you with a name tag to wear that indicates that you are an usher.
  • Ushers provide a number of services before and during the show including taking tickets, showing patrons to their seats, directing patrons to the restrooms, and provide other assistance as needed.
  • In exchange for your time, ushers are invited to watch the show for free the night they work. We try to reserve seats for our ushers, but are not always able to. Please be prepared to stand for an extended period of time.
  • As a thank you for volunteering your time on our shows, concessions are are at a discounted price for volunteers after the show starts.
  • Ushers are often the first people the audience meets in the theater, we encourage our ushers to be pleasant and courteous with all of our patrons. Greet people with a smile and a helpful attitude!
  • At the end of the performance, ushers are asked to assist us in picking up the theater.

What Do Concessions People Do?

  • Concessions People are asked to arrive 1 HOUR BEFORE THE SHOW, and dress is Black and White (most people wear black pants or skirts and white top)
  • As a thank you for volunteering your time on our shows, concessions are at a discounted price for volunteers after the show starts.
  • If there is no popcorn made, please make some or ask the Box Office for assistance. There is a cheat sheet on the wall next to the Popcorn Machine with how to do this.
  • Concessions People may be asked to make Popcorn and/or fill popcorn boxes. 
  • Once intermission is done the Concessions Stand is closed up. Concessions people are asked to take a moment at the end of intermission (or return after the show) to sweep up any stray popcorn behind the concessions stand and wipe down the counter. 

To Sign up to User or work in Concessions Contact:

[email protected]

(563) 588-4356

Looking to sign up to usher? Click the button below to go to the sign up page!