Sign Up to Volunteer at one of
our upcoming performances!
You can sign up to volunteer for any of the announced productions by clicking the sign up link next to the show title below.
We are using Sign Up Genius for our House Managers, Ushers and Concessions volunteers.
A few things to note:
- All volunteers are asked to arrive 1 hour before the performance starts. When you are signing up on sign up genius the time listed as the start time is the time you should arrive at the theater.
- All volunteer ushers are asked to stay for a few minutes after the show to go through the house and pick up any large items left behind, and make note of any messes that will need the cleaning crew’s attention.
- Concessions volunteers will be using the Square Register for all purchases, and should be comfortable handling money, and making change.
- If you are interested in House Managing and have never done it before – please contact the business office and we can walk you through the responsibilities
- If you are new volunteer, we recommend that you sign up to usher first so that you can become familiar with the building.

February 22 & March 1 @ 10am
February 23 & March 2 @ 2pm

April 4 & 5 @ 7:30pm
March 30 @ 2pm
April 6 @ 2pm

June 22 & 29 @ 2pm
July 5 @ 7:30pm
July 5 & 6 @ 2pm

August 6, 7, 8 & 9 @ 7:30pm
August 9 & 10 @ 2pm