Volunteer Backstage

If you are interested in helping in the theater but do not like being in front of the audience, join us Backstage!


Our Props people have to research our scripts and then searches through our prop room, second hand stores, and makes the items you see on stage! We would love to have your assistance if you’re interested!

Technical Assistance

Working under the supervision of Colin Muenster, our Technical Director, many volunteers assist in the construction of the set, painting, and as backstage crew for productions. Stage crew positions include spotlights, sound board operator, light board operator, and deck crew. Some of these jobs require prior experience, but a willingness to learn and take direction is the most important part of these volunteer duties.


The Grand has thousands of costumes, but many more are created for individual shows. If you like to sew or design clothing, consider helping out with costumes. Even if you don’t know how to sew, there are lots of things you can help with and we are very willing to teach someone looking to learn.

Donations of clothing and items are always welcome, but please call before you bring items to the Grand!

To Volunteer for any of these positions Contact:

[email protected]

(563) 588-4356